Trinidad Cruisers Exploring the Island

Requirements for Entry by Sea

File a Float Plan & Marine Declaration of Health

Float Plan & Marine Declaration of Health Form

Find a downloadable Float Plan & Marine Declaration of Health Form at Float Plan & Marine Declaration of Health Form.

Scan & Email

Scan & Email

Please fill out your Float Plan and your Health Declaration Foms. Follow all instructions on the form and Send as .jpeg or .pdf via email to the addresses listed on the Float Plan form. Please cc Jesse James and MSATT. They will notify other agencies (/Port Health, Customs, Immigration), on your behalf.


When you arrive into Trinidad, alert TTCG & MSATT, Jesse James and your marina. You will be required to take up a mooring ball or anchor in the Chaguaramas Bay with your Quarantine Flag raised until Port Health can do their checks. Please remain onboard.

ONLY AFTER Port Health has checked and issued your health clearance then proceed to Customs and Immigration



Call Radio North Post Radio (VHF 16 or SSB 2182kHz) on approach to Trinidad & Tobago to inform of your arrival. Radio TT Coast Guard upon approach to Trinidad & Tobago and arrival to anchorage in Chaguaramas.

Check our website for updates


Once you alerted MSATT, Jesse or your marina they will contact Port Health for you. Once your Health Clearance Certificate has been issued, please print 2 copies, if you don’t have a printer on board check your marina or MSATT or Jesse James to get help. Once it is printed you need to take a copy to Immigration and Customs as they each require a copy for check-in.


If you start showing and signs or symptoms of Covid, please stay onboard and contact Jesse James, or MSATT or your Marina and we will arrange to get a doctor to come to your boat and get your tested. If positive stay onboard and follow the advice of the doctor. If symptoms get severe call and we will get an ambulance to take you to a facility. For more info